The human body is a very complex system. Within that system are a variety of sub-systems: muscular, nervous, skeletal etc all working in unison with each other to make certain that the main system, that is, the entire body works effectively, productively and smoothly. All of those sub-systems need looking after so that the adequate survival of the main body happens.
Much evidence have shown that the body can age at a slower pace. My plan now is to offer 10 tips which contribute positively to anti-aging and longevity.
The tips are:
1. maintain a sense of purpose
2. have friends and stay socially connected
3. choose the right friends
4. get married
5. have a conscientious personality
6. manage stress effectively
7. get spiritual
8. forgive
9. napping
10. be altruistic.
1. Maintain a sense of purpose
Your purpose in life within the context here is to live and to live as long as possible. You should find activities - hobbies - with that purpose in mind. In a Japanese study, it was found that having a greater purpose in life results in less risks of Alzheimer's disease and a more productive and disease-free extended life.
2. Have friends and stay socially connected
Friends that we do connect with socially do help us live longer. It is not necessary that those friends be human but it is imperative that they are outside of one's immediate family circle. Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between plentiful social contacts and longevity.
3. Choosing the right friends
The major thrust here is that friends' habits do have that tendency of being shared all-round. Such habits can rub off on you. Being a part of a group that is obese or are smokers can impact on you in very negative ways.
4. Getting married
Married people tend to outlive those that are not married. The following progression is very well documented: married persons are more likely to live longer than divorced/widowers who are more likely to live longer than singles.
5. Have a conscientious personality
Having such a personality is a good predictor of long life. In such a personality, one sees the following:
a. attention to detail,
b. persistence and
c. winning through in spite difficulties.
Conscientious people do tend to protect their health better and make choices that lead to stronger relationships.
6. Manage stress
Lifestyle changes include diet, exercise, etc. Stress-management prevents and reverses heart disease. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing are very effective strategies to exercise control over stress.
7. Get spiritual
Religious service attenders do generally live longer than non-attenders. The question that needs asking is whether the social network within which the person belongs is the reason for this? It has been found that those persons who attend church services once per week had a higher level of immune system proteins than non-attenders. Of course, our immune system enables the body to more ably fight off illnesses.
8. Forgiving others
Forgiveness has positive health benefits. It results in less anxiety, lower blood pressure and helps persons to breathe more easily. Such benefits do increase with age and practice. Chronic anger on the other hand results in decreases in lung function and increases in both heart diseases and strokes.
9. Napping
There is a plethora of evidence that shows that napping does result in longer life. People who regularly nap are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than those who occasional nap.
10. Being altruistic
The magic words here are: being unselfish, being genuinely helpful of another person without expecting anything in return. The feeling of total satisfaction and worth do follow one's altruism in giving without expecting to receive a reciprocal act.
Taking into consideration some of the tips already mentioned above and also utilising our own personal experiences when viewing the world around us, the persons concerned do get much value and benefits. Such value and feelings of total well-being do get converted to stress-free lives and longevity.
Mac is an internet marketer and health researcher. Much information on how you can influence the ways you age and do so productively and comfortably are found on his site. Visit and click the link below and while you are there, claim your free e-book on Anti Aging: Its Causes and What You Can Do To Slow Down The Process.
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